Bristol Yacht Services
Phone & Text: 1-(503)309 9622

Twenty -Year old Hunter 30 Sailboat. Treated with SIMPLY BRILLIANT Superwax™

This C&C Sailboat had red gelcoat with some areas that had been damaged and had to be touched up. It had a failing grayish layer of old 2-Part Clear Coat that could only be removed by wet sanding. The "IG 2-Step Process" (ELIXIR™, then MIRROR HARD Superglaze™) restored vividness and shine to the gelcoat that can now be easily maintained.

Eleven-year old Carver 330 Mariner. The grey gelcoat stripe was a problem since regular wax protection, according to owner, "did not even last a month".
Problem solved with light abrasive polishing to remove surface porosity. then application of ELIXIR™, SILKENSEAL™ and two outer coats of MIRROR HARD Superglaze™ . Depth of shine and weathering protection is lasting well. Photos taken at one month after application.

1978 Bayliner Buccaneer 24 ft that had not been waxed for years. Budget restoration done with IG 3 Step Process, except MIRROR HARD™ used in place of SIMPLY BRILLIANT™